{"id":7023,"date":"2016-11-14T17:43:00","date_gmt":"2016-11-14T17:43:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/citejournal.org\/\/\/"},"modified":"2017-03-03T15:55:07","modified_gmt":"2017-03-03T15:55:07","slug":"rethinking-clinical-experiences-for-social-studies-teacher-education","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/citejournal.org\/volume-16\/issue-4-16\/social-studies\/rethinking-clinical-experiences-for-social-studies-teacher-education","title":{"rendered":"Rethinking Clinical Experiences for Social Studies Teacher Education"},"content":{"rendered":"

\u201cThe whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.\u201d<\/p>\n

\u2013American Journalist, Sydney J. Harris (1978)<\/p>\n

Clinical experiences provide preservice social studies teachers a fundamental source of pedagogical knowledge designed to allow teacher education candidates to develop professional dispositions and begin to use their teaching skills and content knowledge to engage students effectively in social studies education (Council for Accreditation of Education Preparation, 2013; National Council for the Social Studies, 2002).<\/p>\n

Scholars have noted that well-integrated clinical work taught in the context of schools needs to create field-based learning environments that challenge candidates to rethink deep-seated pedagogical and content orientations, to bridge methods course content with practice through aligned school\u2013university partnerships, and to emphasize a more in-depth understanding of teaching and learning (Cole & Knowles, 1993; Darling-Hammond, 2010a, 2010b; Darling-Hammond et al., 2006; Darling-Hammond, Hammerness, Grossman, Rust, & Shulman, 2005). However, clinical experiences are not always actuated in a manner conducive to achieving these objectives (Darling-Hammond, 2006).<\/p>\n

The integration of meaningful clinical experiences into teacher preparation programs presents unique challenges and opportunities when coursework takes place online in distance education programs or in alternative placements occurring outside of the traditional academic school year. A large volume of literature supports the idea that online teacher preparation programs are \u201cat least as good\u201d as their traditional counterparts (Means, Toyama, Murphy, Bakia, & Jones, 2009). Studies have also documented the online format\u2019s unique potential to improve the experience of preservice teachers and future student outcomes (Harrell & Harris, 2006; Sherin & van Es, 2005).<\/p>\n

This study reports on the program Windows into Teaching and Learning (WiTL). WiTL was conceived of and developed by researchers at a large, urban university located in the southeastern United States to provide candidates enrolled in a summer online social studies methods course with meaningful clinical experiences that leverage the unique capabilities of digital media.<\/p>\n

During the spring semester prior to the delivery of the summer social studies methods course, we recorded three to four lessons taught by veteran mentor teachers. Lessons purposefully included examples of applications of pedagogy that would be taught within the methods course. Technology-enhanced observation guides were created to help candidates make important content pedagogical connections relevant to the methods course. We integrated voice overlays and text observation notes into the observation guides and uploaded media to Moodle, the online course delivery platform, for candidate-required viewing during the summer methods course. After completing asynchronous observations, candidates engaged in a threaded discussion with the veteran middle and secondary social studies teachers to unpack their collective experiences.<\/p>\n

The purpose of this study is to explore the extent to which WiTL could produce meaningful clinical experiences for preservice teacher candidates and to examine the potential differences between WiTL and what is understood about clinical experiences in traditional teacher preparation programs. Study results illustrate the potential for content-area clinical experiences, like those conducted in WiTL, to create a shared partnership in learning that achieves field-based outcomes.<\/p>\n

The study was framed around three expectations of clinical experiences: (a) clinicals should facilitate candidates\u2019 learning, (b) clinicals are designed to promote professional growth, and (c) clinicals are learning tools to engage teacher candidates in interactive and critical discourse about pedagogical issues.<\/p>\n

The next section is a review of literature on clinical experiences in teacher preparation within online and traditional modalities. Then, the qualitative methods used in data collection and analysis are described, followed by the results of the study and a discussion. By examining the extent to which a particular online teacher prep program (WiTL) was able to produce meaningful clinical experiences in social studies teacher education, this study sought to (a) draw contrasts between WiTL and what is understood about traditional clinical experiences in teacher preparation and (b) analyze the potential of WiTL and similar online programs to mediate the various dilemmas that continue to face those who train the teachers of tomorrow.<\/p>\n

Literature Review<\/h2>\n

Scholarship has explored a number of longstanding challenges that constrain the effectiveness of clinical experiences in traditional teacher preparation (Applegate, 1985; Passe, 1994). A meta-analysis of preservice teacher training research outlined five distinct benefits of technology in candidate field experiences: \u201ca) exposure to various teaching\/learning environments, b) creation of shared experiences, c) promoting reflectivity, d) preparing candidates cognitively, and e) learning about technology integration\u201d (Hixon & So, 2009, p. 296). Therefore, to the extent that dilemmas in teacher preparation can be addressed by online teacher preparation and clinical experiences, computer-mediated teacher training can become an increasingly viable method for postsecondary institutions.<\/p>\n

Indeed, a significant amount of literature has examined the potential merger of technology and field experience clinicals for improving educational preparation and praxis (Chiero & Beare, 2010; Harrell & Harris, 2006; Hilburn & Maguth, 2012; Weschke & Barclay, 2011). This review is organized into three broad areas in which technology-mediated learning has potential power: (a) learning facilitated through practical and authentic field experiences, (b) professional growth through active and engaging clinical experiences, and (c) learning to notice effective practice as a bridge to theory. These three potential areas represent a loose conceptual structure for this study and the WiTL program it is based on.<\/p>\n

Facilitate Learning Through Practical and Authentic Field Experiences<\/h3>\n

While inarguably a valuable component of teacher preparation programs, clinical field experiences pose many challenges for candidates, cooperating school systems, and university personnel. Applegate (1985) defined what have seemingly become perennial dilemmas within teacher preparation programs as they strive to maintain high standards, such as the need to provide candidates with relevant and meaningful early field experiences. Among these obstacles are what the author terms \u201cinstitutional dilemmas\u201d (p. 61), where university personnel grapple with complex logistical issues, such as travel costs and availability of appropriate settings for clinical experience placements.<\/p>\n

These dilemmas result in a lack of time for reflection, discourse, and interaction between the teacher-mentor and candidates based on fixed schedules and excessive time demands on the part of both parties. The responsibility for deciphering what has been observed in the classroom is left with the novice candidate, who ultimately remains uncertain as to why the clinical experiences were assigned in the first place (Applegate, 1985).<\/p>\n

Research into the potential benefits of online teaching and learning has indicated that computer-mediated environments can help resolve the challenges of logistics and access, particularly in institutions serving large geographical areas that struggle to fill teaching positions in high-needs areas and that have historically served relatively uniform student populations in terms of age and race\/ethnicity (Collins, 1999; Dell, Hobbs, & Miller, 2008). In a study that examined a postsecondary online teacher preparation program, Harrell and Harris (2006) concluded, \u201cGoing online provided a way to offer a flexible program that maintained quality while increasing access and affordability to post baccalaureate candidates, and especially to career changers and candidates in high need teaching fields\u201d (p. 759).<\/p>\n

Sherin and van Es (2005) suggested that technology, in the form of asynchronous video, held the potential to improve preservice teachers\u2019 observation skills and overcome logistical challenges<\/p>\n

because technology integration freed candidates from the limitations of memory inherent in onsite classroom observations. However, other scholars have warned that the online modality cannot replace the real-world interactions between teacher and student (Young, 2012).<\/p>\n

In addition, Applegate (1985), described \u201cindividual dilemmas\u201d (p. 62), where in many cases the participants involved in the clinical experience find that it falls short of their expectations. Because traditional clinical observations occur in isolation, where a single candidate is assigned to a single classroom, a disconnection often arises between what is being taught in the university and what is experienced in the classroom. Studies have explored how computer-mediated coursework infused with technology can address these individual dilemmas as well, particularly when technology is presented and modeled in ways that help candidates enhance teaching methods and transfer those methods to their own classrooms (Bolick, Berson, Friedman, & Porfeli, 2007; Halpin, 1999; Molebash, 2004). Brush and Saye (2009) called for teacher preparation that can \u201calign technology with discipline-specific pedagogy\u201d (p. 46). Similarly, Pearcy (2013) emphasized the need to address candidates\u2019 beliefs, motivations, and self-efficacy related to technology in preservice training programs.<\/p>\n

Chiero and Beare (2010) administered a 110-item Likert-scale survey to a large sample of K\u201312 teachers who were recent graduates of teacher preparation programs. Graduates of online programs provided consistently higher ratings than their campus-based counterparts on the \u201cperceived effectiveness of their preparation for important teaching responsibilities, and the extent to which their program coursework and fieldwork were professionally valuable and helpful to them during their initial year of teaching\u201d (pp. 784-785). A follow-up study using a similar instrument found online graduates indicating they felt more prepared for the teaching profession; however, no significant differences were found in principals\u2019 ratings of the teachers\u2019 preparation between online and face-to-face (F2F) modalities (Chiero et al., 2012).<\/p>\n

In 2013, the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) emphasized the centrality of clinical experiences in teacher preparation as a means of teacher candidates demonstrating their ability to impact student learning. The expectations of CAEP clearly articulated that clinical experiences should be designed of \u201csufficient depth, breadth, diversity, coherence, and duration to ensure that candidates demonstrate their developing effectiveness and positive impact on all students\u2019 learning and development\u201d (CAEP, 2015, p. 6).<\/p>\n

Evidence suggests that graduates of online teacher training can produce higher achievement outcomes in their students than similar graduates of F2F programs. Weschke and Barclay (2011) used matched pairs of online and F2F graduates to examine the teachers\u2019 differential impact on reading achievement in a large urban public school system. Conducted over 3 years in Grades 1\u20135, findings showed that the students of online graduates outperformed those of F2F graduates on a standardized literacy test in all but one grade level (third) by an average of 4.6%. The authors also found that online graduates served a higher proportion of racial and ethnic minority students than did the matched comparison group teachers.<\/p>\n

Professional Growth Through an Active Role in Clinical Experiences<\/h3>\n

CAEP\u2019s vision of clinically based learning elevates the importance of clinical educators as partners in the preparation, evaluation, and support of teacher education candidates. Clinical experiences are guided by strong partnerships in which all stakeholders share responsibility for candidate preparation. These coconstructed, shared clinical experiences create a learning cycle centered on clinical practice, with an emphasis given to strategies for positively affecting all candidates\u2019 development and learning.<\/p>\n

The findings of Pryor and Kuhn\u2019s (2004) study comparing the outcomes of field experiences across two semesters for 61 candidates enrolled in social studies methods courses suggest university personnel must be closely involved in the implementation of field experiences for candidates conducting early field experiences. The authors asserted that without the direct guidance of the methods course instructor, candidates simply do not know what to observe. In the discussion of results, they strongly argued for the integration of field observations into methods courses to enhance understanding and improve reflectivity for candidates.<\/p>\n

Peer interaction within collaborative learning communities supports teachers’ professional development (McLaughlin & Talbert, 1993; Putnam & Borko, 1997, 2000). Likewise, peer interaction in online environments is essential to learning (Shea, 2006). CAEP suggests integrative field-based experiences within teacher education programs to ensure that all teachers have the capacity and dispositions to work closely with colleagues, students, and school communities. In this sense, technology can play a role in facilitating participant interaction as a form of professional growth.<\/p>\n

Garrison and Anderson (2003) argued that technology supports collaboration, yet collective learning will not occur without appropriate intervention of the online instructor and active engagement of all participants (Palloff & Pratt, 2003). To create successful online communities, a shared community of inquiry is essential (Garrison, Anderson, & Archer, 2000). In an online learning environment, the community of inquiry becomes a composite of social, teaching, and cognitive presence. To the extent that online environments enhance each of these facets, candidates experience higher levels of satisfaction, learning, and professional growth (Shea, 2006).<\/p>\n

Learning to Notice Effective Clinical Practice as a Bridge to Theory<\/h3>\n

Technology provides a way of addressing how effective clinical practices can enable candidates to connect theory to their nascent teaching practice. Kopcha and Alger (2011, 2014) have studied how preservice candidates who participated in a technology-supported clinical program compared with those who did not. Experimental results indicated that candidates in the tech-centric program showed significantly higher levels of teaching self-efficacy and higher scores on evaluations of candidates\u2019 field experience. Elevated levels of efficacy and performance may suggest that tech-enhanced clinical experience facilitated the observation, assimilation, and implementation of effective pedagogical methods and attendant theoretical foundations.<\/p>\n

Sherin and van Es (2005) studied the use of video in teacher education and noted the impact of video on the way in which teachers or students noticed phenomena within the classroom. The authors suggested that video helped candidates develop the ability to conceptualize large concepts from small details and to apply increased logic and reason to their teaching contexts.<\/p>\n

The studies employed video as a tool in a teacher-education program with six preservice teachers, requiring them to write reflections of the types of things they noticed when watching themselves teach. Over time, when compared with other preservice teachers not utilizing this tool, those who used video were able to hone their noticing skills and discern significant from insignificant events in the classroom. In addition, they found that the content of their analysis advanced from being simply evaluative to interpretive in nature. These findings are consistent with the use of video by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (2014), affirm the use of video as a tool for systematic reflection in ongoing professional growth, and align clinical learning outcomes with those advocated by CAEP (2013).<\/p>\n

Research focused on teacher preparation in social studies teachers has also addressed how technology can help bridge theory and \u201cdiscipline-specific content and pedagogy\u201d (Waring & Torrez, 2010, p. 303). Social studies as a discipline is fertile ground for technology-enhanced innovations, given its historical emphasis on more traditional pedagogies (Doolittle & Hicks, 2003; Hammond & Manfra, 2009). As such, Hilburn and Maguth (2012) advocated for changes in methods course curricula, including \u201cmicroteaching opportunities, digitally mediated student reflection, and a synchronous technology that would allow all students\u2026to discuss issues central to the field\u201d (p. 309). Such reforms can enhance collaboration between student teachers in their social studies methods courses to further link the theoretical concerns on university curricula to practice in the field.<\/p>\n


This literature has framed a number of dilemmas facing clinically based teacher preparation programs and has indicated how technology and computer mediated teaching and learning holds the potential to mitigate many of these dilemmas. As Pearcy (2013) summarized, \u201cThe value of technology should be found in its ability to promote such change\u201d (para. 72), \u201cto supplement and improve our best practices\u201d (para. 77), \u201cand thus, our preservice program\u2019s curricula should be adjusted toward that end\u201d (para. 72).<\/p>\n

Taken together, the ability of online, technology-enhanced teacher preparation programs to (a) facilitate learning through access to practical and authentic field experiences, (b) promote professional growth through active and engaging clinical experiences, and (c) develop skills for learning to notice effective practice as a bridge to theory constitutes a conceptual framework of WiTL.<\/p>\n

The initial implementation of WiTL explored ways of improving clinical experiences for university students enrolled in a distance education program offering year-round coursework to candidates seeking licensure for teaching middle or secondary social studies. Specifically, we sought to document the experiences of social studies methods students, mentor teachers, and course instructors who engaged in a common online clinical experience in a web-based content methods course. Our research focused on two questions:<\/p>\n

  1. To what extent, if any, does this\u00a0online clinical facilitate learning, professional growth, and interactive and critical discourse?<\/li>\n
  2. To what extent\u00a0does this online clinical experience promote learning, professional growth, and interactive and critical discourse in a different way than traditional programs?<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n


    To address the research question, we employed an exploratory case study (Yin, 2002). Case study research allows researchers to describe, understand, and explain systems, situations, or phenomena within real-world contexts (Tellis, 1997) through the study of a single case (Merriam, 1998). According to Tellis (1997), case studies are often used to answer research questions that investigate how or why phenomena work or occur. In this instance, the case, a distance education content methods course, provided the learning context for examining the use of shared online clinical experiences.<\/p>\n

    Furthermore, we used a qualitative design with a constructivist paradigm to examine the outcomes of a clinically based, online social studies methods course. We were interested in the views held by all participants about online field experiences as well as about social studies teaching and learning. In accordance with Patton’s (2002) recommendations for appropriate uses of a constructivist perspective, we sought participants’ reported perceptions, explanations, and beliefs, as well as documented learning outcomes identified in candidates’ work.<\/p>\n

    In addition, we explored how online clinicals mediated candidates\u2019 thinking and experiences. We observed online interaction in its unrefined form of a naturally occurring dialog (Glaser & Strauss, 1967), where participants engaged in a shared online clinical experience. We sought to describe outcomes of shared online experiences from the perspective of participants. Additionally, we wanted to determine the feasibility of replicating online clinicals in distance education coursework and to identify attributes associated with these experiences. We examined candidate work to determine what, if any, evidence existed that might explain what participants transferred from clinical experiences to pedagogical applications and practice, among the concepts they had learned within the social studies methods course.<\/p>\n

    Program Context<\/h3>\n

    The content methods course was offered over the summer to accommodate working professionals and lateral entry teachers enrolled in the graduate certificate in teaching (GCT) program. The methods course falls in the program sequence as the next to last semester. This certificate program allows second career professionals with undergraduate degrees in related content area fields (e.g., history, geography, and political science) to become licensed middle grades and secondary teachers.<\/p>\n

    The GCT program is designed to attract experienced professionals with a bachelor’s degree in fields other than education. It is offered as a 100% online distance education program. It requires the successful completion of 18 hours of pedagogical coursework, including a semester-long graduate teaching internship. The GCT also counts toward the master of arts in teaching (MAT), a 39-hour graduate degree. The GCT was moved from a face-to-face licensure-only program to an online graduate certificate program in 2008 to address statewide teacher shortages. It was also expanded to include a graduate degree (i.e., MAT) to broaden program outreach and to serve more remote locations across the state.<\/p>\n

    Despite economic cutbacks across the state, the university has continued to offer the distance education program as a cost-cutting measure. Online courses offered during the summer significantly reduce (by over half) the overhead expenses incurred by the university. Trends at this institution demonstrated increased online course offerings and led to the elimination of all face-to-face summer classes within this college in the year of this study.<\/p>\n


    The participants in this study included six purposefully selected social studies mentor teachers, three who taught in a middle school and three who were employed in a high school. The selection of the two schools was based on university faculty connections to community partnerships and work in these schools. These schools represented two distinctive and remote geographic regions representing suburban and rural settings. Mentor teachers were chosen for inclusion in the study based on identification as teacher leaders by their principal, their experience and content expertise, and their recognized success in supporting economically and culturally diverse adolescent learners.<\/p>\n

    University faculty members were familiar with the selected teachers’ qualifications due to 8 years of professional development work in the selected schools. The range of teaching experience was 6 to 24 years. Mentor teachers held a masters degree in social studies or were Nationally Board Certified or both.<\/p>\n

    Preservice teacher candidates were selected due to their enrollment in the distance education summer social studies methods course (n<\/em> = 6). The participating six candidates were graduate students seeking initial licensure in Grades 6-12 social studies. These candidates ranged in age from 24 to 38. Two of the candidates were male and four were female. All had received their undergraduate degrees in history.<\/p>\n

    Additional project participants included members of the research team, including the methods course instructor (first author Tina Heafner), an international teaching assistant, and a graduate assistant (second author Michelle Plaisance). The instructor is the lead social studies methodologist with 21 years of social studies teaching experience, and has taught at this institution for 10\u00a0years. The methods instructor has been teaching online courses, including social studies methods, for over eight years. The international teaching assistant is a doctoral candidate at a northeastern US university, has completed two semesters of co-teaching with the course instructor, and is a social studies methodologist with expertise in culturally responsive curriculum and global education. The graduate assistant is an urban education doctoral student. The graduate assistant is an experienced K\u201312 teacher in the largest urban district in the state and specializes in differentiating instruction for English language learners (ELLs).<\/p>\n


    To triangulate data, we examined multiple sources using content analysis methods. For this study we attempted to understand the perceptions of all participants who engaged in online clinical observation experiences. We collected data from the following sources: candidates’ summative written course clinical reflections, candidates’ work samples\u00a0(including content module tasks), the culminating instructional unit plan assignment (Appendix C<\/a>), researchers’ observation notes (see Appendix E<\/a>), and researchers\u2019 journals.<\/p>\n

    Archives of synchronous and asynchronous observations, mentor teacher lesson debriefings, and text-chat transcripts constituted additional data sources. Transcripts of asynchronous threaded discussions in NiceNet, a free web-based resource available to mentor teachers and candidates, provided yet another stratum of information (see Appendix D<\/a>). Furthermore, in-depth recorded and transcribed interviews with mentor teachers (Appendix B<\/a>) and postproject focus groups with candidates (Appendix A<\/a>) added descriptive layers to participants\u2019 perceptions of their experiences (as recommended in Glesne, 2006).\u00a0Two focus groups were conducted for 1 hour each and occurred at the end of the course. Interviews with individual candidates occurred at the midpoint and end of the course. Interviews ranged from 30 minutes to 1 hour.<\/p>\n

    Analysis occurred in four phases. In Phase I, informal analysis, the research team analyzed the data sources informally through writing methodological and analytic memos based on our field notes, archived teaching observations, and interview and focus group transcriptions. Within this phase, we used content analysis (Silverman, 1999), in which inductive coding and sorting allowed themes to emerge. We read and listened to data sources individually three times to identify data patterns.<\/p>\n

    In Phase II, initial category creation, we determined the emergent themes that aligned with the guiding research questions. In weekly meetings occurring over the course of 4 months, we discussed data patterns and agreed to overarching themes. Themes were compared across data sources to determine if differences in experiences emerged based on the data source.<\/p>\n

    In Phase III, qualitative content analysis (Patton, 2002), we confirmed the categories that emerged from the data by triangulating the data, searching for negative and positive cases, and revising and discarding categories that were not present in the majority of data sources. Evidence from multiple data sources confirmed thematic categorization and alignment with the guiding research questions. Subsequent review of data was conducted both individually and collectively to further define and describe these emergent themes using Glaser and Strauss’ (1967) constant comparative analysis.<\/p>\n

    In Phase IV, thematic mapping, we compared the three categories that emerged from our analysis with the principles gleaned from the literature. We sought to determine how categories aligned with literature and how data results extended current research. The final stage of analysis included weekly meetings for 2 months to compare and cross-validate findings with literature.<\/p>\n

    The WiTL Project<\/h3>\n

    During the spring semester prior to the delivery of the summer social studies methods course, three or four lessons were taped for each of the mentor teachers using a laptop, webcam, and wireless headset. The lessons were mutually agreed upon by the university instructor and the mentor teachers. Pedagogical content knowledge within lessons purposefully included examples of applications of pedagogy that would be taught within the methods course. For example, social studies content lessons included a Socratic seminar, discussion of controversial issues, modeling of technologies, mnemonic devices, and vocabulary and reading strategies.<\/p>\n

    The methods instructor or graduate assistant observed each lesson in person for the purpose of serving as the camera operator. Guided observation notes were created to describe what was observed and to help candidates identify and understand important content pedagogical connections relevant to the methods course. The objective was for candidates to recognize the intuitive steps in implementing instructional methods, such as how and why a teacher would group students by gender to conduct a jigsaw reading or how and why a teacher used a deliberative discussion format instead of a fishbowl or Socratic seminar.<\/p>\n

    For asynchronous lessons, the university instructor developed voice overlays and integrated text observation notes using Camtasia (http:\/\/www.techsmith.com\/camtasia<\/a>). Videos were uploaded to Moodle, the online course delivery platform, for candidate-required viewing during the summer methods course. Capitalizing on the flexibility afforded with the use of technology, candidates then watched observations at their convenience during the second and third weeks of the course.<\/p>\n

    After completing all asynchronous observations, candidates engaged in a threaded discussion with all middle and secondary social studies teachers using NiceNet (http:\/\/www.nicenet.org\/<\/a>). Participants discussed content methods, resources, classroom and behavioral management, assessment practices, and student learning. They explored teaching philosophies as they collectively unpacked the purposeful decision-making employed by veteran teachers.<\/p>\n

    In the first week of the social studies methods course, synchronous observations were held with each of the six middle and secondary teacher mentors using Wimba, a web-conferencing tool compatible with Moodle, a webcam, and wireless headset with microphone. Tools within Wimba simultaneously offered participants an adjustable video window for classroom observations, PowerPoint capabilities for instructional resource sharing, whiteboard and text chat features, and video\/audio exchanges among participants.<\/p>\n

    For university students to engage in the Wimba synchronous observations, they each had Internet access as well as a computer, webcam, and headset. During the synchronous observations, the university instructor, international teaching assistant, and graduate assistant engaged in dialog with the candidates through the chat feature. Again, their purpose was to help make explicit connections to course content and to help candidates notice important attributes of good social studies teaching and learning.<\/p>\n

    The ways WiTL impacted participants is presented through the experiences, perceptions, and learning outcomes of those who engaged in this summer online clinically based methods course. The next section describes the extent to which, if any, online clinicals facilitated learning, professional growth, and interactive and critical discourse.<\/p>\n


    The data-based themes that emerged align with the categories described in the literature review. The goals of facilitating learning, professional growth, and interactive and critical discourse for bridging theory to practice in clinically based experiences are documented as positive outcomes of WiTL. The emergent themes opened windows, an analogy we used to describe the manner in which technology created new spaces for learning in ways that address gaps found in traditional field experiences. These themes are representative of both the expectations for clinical experiences and the potential of technology-mediated learning to enhance pedagogical understanding.<\/p>\n

    Facilitating Learning<\/h3>\n

    The first part of the research question explored to what extent, if any, our online clinical facilitated learning. A theme that emerged from the data was that WiTL provided practical and authentic field experiences. We describe this theme as A Window of Opportunity. \u00a0We define A Window of Opportunity based on subcategories derived from patterns in the data. Participants described WiTL and online clinicals as \u201ca logical blessing.\u201d They noted the unique chance to observe \u201ca variety of teaching contexts.\u201d Participants highlighted \u201caccess to work with skilled professionals and mentors\u201d as an important attribute of WiTL. These subthemes emerged from participant descriptions of experiences when comparing prior experiences to that of WiTL, as well as their observations about the clinical settings and mentor teachers.<\/p>\n

    A Logistical Blessing<\/em><\/strong>. <\/strong>During the final focus group, participants reflected on prior experiences where they conducted observations of day camps or irrelevant summer school programs simply because they were compelled to meet the course clinical licensure requirements. Many were thankful not to be required to take time off of work or neglect the demands of family life, with one candidate calling the WiTL clinical experiences a \u201clogistical blessing\u201d (Focus Group 1: Candidate 1). When asked how online clinicals compared to the face-to-face experiences, one participant responded that she was, “appreciative of the fact that all of the lessons observed during the methods course were, indeed, some form of social studies.” She reported, “In prior field experiences, I had been forced to compromise by attending observations in other content areas [e.g., mathematics or (English language arts) ELA] because middle school social studies classes were simply not available.”<\/p>\n

    All of the candidates in the focus groups referenced convenience, flexibility, and time saved as explanations for believing the online clinicals benefited their learning. Candidate 2 commented, “It\u2019s easier to view the classroom than us having to set up an observation and go into the classroom.” Candidate 4 explained that “the flexibility of these clinicals was key” and represented “telecommuting at its best.”<\/p>\n

    Candidates 3 and 5 noted a strong preference for face-to-face clinicals, but they both added that the scheduling flexibility enabled them to balance the pace of a summer graduate course, a full time job, and their family lives. These two candidates acknowledged the time saved as an acceptable tradeoff to being in the classroom.<\/p>\n

    Convenience was also described as a benefit to observing without interruption, to \u201creally be there and to see teaching\u201d (Candidate 5). Candidate 1 explained synchronous observations as like being a “fly on the wall in the online setting.”\u00a0 This candidate credited the value of distance as a way \u201cto experience in real-time the classroom and the mindset of a teacher.\u201d\u00a0 She expressed, along with classmates, the benefit of \u201cseeing without being seen.\u201d<\/p>\n

    Many candidates felt that the \u201cfly on the wall\u201d approach to classroom observations allowed them to observe students and teachers without interrupting the natural flow of classroom instruction and learning. They noted that this experience was distinctly different from their prior experiences and an attribute of virtual convenience.<\/p>\n

    A Variety of Teaching Contexts.<\/em><\/strong> In addition to the opportunity to see relevant teaching, respondents felt that WiTL afforded candidates the chance to view a wide variety of teaching styles and strategies. Evidence from synchronous text chat documents how differences translated into meaningful learning experiences. For example, while observing Mentor Teacher 1 leading a Readers Theater application, the instructor brought to the attention of the class a comparison of how Mentor Teacher 6 had approached in-class text analysis using Important Questions (as described in Heafner & Plaisance, 2014). The discourse that followed helped candidates unravel why these teachers chose to use specific methods and how instructional choices support student learning.<\/p>\n

    Candidate 2 began with a general observation: \u201cThere is a great difference in the levels of classrooms we have seen today\u2026.I’m not sure that’s a fair comparison.\u201d Another candidate continued, \u201cWe are comparing middle school versus high school seniors. There are significant cognitive differences in these age groups.\u201d\u00a0 The instructor then responded,<\/p>\n

    Yes, there are differences in ages but both methodological approaches to reading can be applied at each level. Each method is modified to be developmentally appropriate for the students. Middle school students can respond to a before reading, read in small groups, and then act out the meaning of the reading. Readers Theater is an effective method for teaching students the text\u2019s meaning and author\u2019s argument. Even in this reading strategy, students have to answer Important Questions to demonstrate understanding. The key to instruction is to know your students to recognize what methods align well with the content you are teaching. \u00a0Think about the observation of [Mentor Teacher 4\u2019s] class yesterday, what differences do you remember from lessons today?<\/p>\n

    The graduate student added,<\/p>\n

    You can reenact the text to add more detail or use guided discussion as the teacher did to draw attention to the evidence in the text. You\u2019ll read journal articles in Module 7 that will describe how other middle and secondary teachers scaffold student reading.<\/p>\n

    The primary aim of the observation and the discourse among candidates and instructor was to help candidates recognize that, in the instructor\u2019s words, \u201cinstructional choices lead to differences in how students interact and engage with text.\u201d<\/p>\n

    Diversity of experiences also provided opportunities to examine grade level curriculum differences not traditionally observed. Typical observations that accompany a methods course assign candidates to a single teacher. Unless the teacher\u2019s assignment includes multiple grade levels, candidates are limited in their exposure to curricula.<\/p>\n

    Of greater importance, candidates are not exposed to observations across multiple licensure levels, for example, grade bands of 6\u201312. The WiTL clinical experience broadened candidates understanding beyond what is accessible with traditional observations. Examples from postproject focus groups, designed to assess participant satisfaction with the program, identified candidates’ expressed appreciation for the ability to view both middle and high school social studies classes.<\/p>\n

    Most candidates (all but Candidate 5) had never seen a classroom outside of their licensure level. Providing a lateral perspective of social studies teaching allowed candidates to draw conclusions about developmental skills differences, such as historical thinking, among adolescent learners. Candidate 2 said, “I gained an understanding for the need to infuse more skill-based lessons in middle school, versus more concept-driven instruction in secondary classes” (Focus Group 1). Furthermore, candidates noted distinct content differences across grade levels that mirrored standards-based curriculum expectations. These cross-licensure-level observations increased candidate awareness of state and national curriculum. Evidence from synchronous observation text chats follows:<\/p>\n

    Instructor:<\/strong> How do these map-reading skills connect to geographic curriculum concepts? Make connections to NCSS [National Council for the Social Studies] C3 [College, Career, and Civic Life Framework for Social Studies Standards] Dimension 2. Geography and NCSS Strand 3: People, Places and Environments? In Module 2 I asked you to read the state mandated standards for social studies and the C3 Framework as well as the NCSS 10 Thematic Strands. Make specific links from your observations of how [Mentor Teacher 5] is addressing these curricula.<\/p>\n

    Candidate 2:<\/strong> Is this not 8th grade??<\/p>\n

    Instructor:<\/strong> Beginning with prior knowledge of the concept of place (where students are positioned on the map) is a starting point for understanding how to read maps. Remember the unit of study is “Geography” which is an essential component of the middle school social studies curriculum. In general, each middle grade level of social studies curriculum is informed by the National Geography Standards. http:\/\/www.nationalgeographic.com\/xpeditions\/standards\/matrix.html<\/a><\/p>\n

    Graduate Assistant:<\/strong> Going back to [Instructor’s] question, we can think about how the teacher is making connections among place, people, and environment (C3 Dimension 2 and NCSS Strand 3)?<\/p>\n

    Candidate 3:<\/strong> Students are able to place geographical areas in perspective<\/p>\n

    Instructor:<\/strong> What is the purpose of reading\/studying map? To what extent is learning geography important? How is it related to our lives? How can teachers make strong connections among geography and our lives?<\/p>\n

    Candidate 4:<\/strong> as [state] residents, these students are obviously going to need familiarity with the main points in their state, and how to get to them. There’s a real life application to be sure<\/p>\n

    Candidate 3:<\/strong> the students already have some familiarity with the roads and places; she is discussing connections from another history class. She is trying to help students make connections between world history (6th and 7th grade) to their state and local history in 8th grade. Isn\u2019t this the spiraling of curriculum that we read about in our module tasks?<\/p>\n

    Not only did candidates become more familiar with curriculum across grade bands, but they also began to develop a broader understanding of how curriculum is purposefully sequenced. Moreover, through diverse classroom observations, candidates were able to identify alignment between state and national standards. Rather than seeing standards as mandated content, candidates began to see standards as the articulation of shared expectations for foundational social studies knowledge.<\/p>\n

    Similarly, analyses of the text chat revealed that candidates took note of the diverse demographics that were present as a result of utilizing schools in distinctly different districts. In one secondary classroom, candidates watched ELLs in a world history course and were able to discuss specific strategies that might be helpful as they collectively viewed the teacher mentor meeting the needs of these students\u00a0during a synchronous observation. The university instructor, present as the session facilitator in the classroom, was able to draw attention via typed communications-specific literature to be read in the course that would support the candidates\u2019 understanding of the unique needs of these students (e.g., Cruz & Thornton, 2009). Candidate dialog recognized patterns in Grades 6\u201312 student demographics in the schools they observed, for example,<\/p>\n

    As preservice teachers, we need to get to know our students. For example, one of the high schools we observed had experienced a significant increase in immigrant students. As [Mentor Teacher 3] stated, we should explore and celebrate cultural dynamics of the surrounding Hispanic communities. (Candidate 4)<\/p>\n

    Candidate 1 continued with curricular ideas: \u201cOur cultural identity project, My America, would be a great way to start a conversation in our class.\u201d Candidate 2 followed, \u201cThe history that a teacher may have taught a generation ago is now going to be interpreted and perceived differently by the diverse ethnic population [in] each school.\u201d\u00a0 The instructor directed candidates to course readings:<\/p>\n

    As Cruz and Thornton (2009, p. 3), suggest, \u201cThe number of ELL students continues to grow both in terms of numbers and the percentage of the total student population in the United States\u2026.Meeting the needs of such students can be particularly challenging for social studies teachers given the often text-dependent nature of the content.\u201d\u00a0 That\u2019s why is it so important that we include vocabulary instruction and language skills development (e.g., oratory skills as well as writing) in social studies.<\/p>\n

    The conversation that ensued identified specific strategies for ELLs and brought to light the cultural sharing opportunities to be gained in world history curriculum. Additional references to course readings were made by candidates. As Candidate\u00a03 commented, \u201cStearns suggests in World History: The Basics,<\/em> connecting time periods and advancements in human achievement to the students\u2019 lives as an effective approach to teach world history.\u201d\u00a0 The explicit links between observations and readings revealed in the text chat suggest the value in real-time discussions of clinical experiences. Focus group interviews revealed that these experiences created \u201cgreater relevance of course content\u201d and offered credence to the theory (Focus Group 2).<\/p>\n

    Later in that same week, these candidates observed classrooms in a completely different district under the same circumstances, and the transcriptions of dialog between the candidates revealed that they capitalized on this opportunity by making comparisons and inferences about the ways a school\u2019s setting might impact the student demographics and subsequent teaching styles being observed and linking learning to course readings (e.g., Epstein, 2009; Parker, 2010).<\/p>\n

    Candidates noted in the text chat that the middle school had and continued to experience an increasing Hispanic student population. Discussion of where the school was located ensued. Candidate 2 observed that the middle school was “in the middle of nowhere.” The candidate then used this point as a contextual remark to articulate the importance of a map reading lesson being observed. She explained that the purpose of the lesson is to provide rural students an opportunity to learn about places beyond those familiar.<\/p>\n

    Furthermore, on the following day, Candidate 4 commented in the synchronous text chat that the seventh-grade class in the same school was “a culturally inclusive unit\/class where students can safely discuss the differences in their respective cultures of study.”<\/p>\n

    As a follow-up to the synchronous observations, candidates and mentor teachers engaged in an asynchronous text chat. The topic of teaching diverse students again surfaced as candidates asked for guidance and practical applications for how to address specific needs. Candidates were able to explore their questions, such as, \u201cWhen working with ELLs, how do you make sure they acquire the English skills they need and help them they understand the course material?\u201d and \u201cWhat about tests?\u00a0 How do you accommodate their needs fairly and equitably?\u201d<\/p>\n

    Mentor teachers responded with specific strategies, such as, \u201cOne of the biggest challenges is vocabulary in our course content. I give my students a vocabulary list for each unit and teach ELLs how to use visual and dual-language vocabulary journals.\u201d\u00a0 Moreover, mentor teachers offered realistic perspectives revealing issues they encountered when differentiating instruction:<\/p>\n