{"id":643,"date":"2014-06-01T01:11:00","date_gmt":"2014-06-01T01:11:00","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/localhost:8888\/cite\/2016\/02\/09\/the-role-of-technology-in-supporting-students-mathematical-thinking-extending-the-metaphors-of-amplifier-and-reorganizer\/"},"modified":"2016-06-04T02:28:37","modified_gmt":"2016-06-04T02:28:37","slug":"the-role-of-technology-in-supporting-students-mathematical-thinking-extending-the-metaphors-of-amplifier-and-reorganizer","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/citejournal.org\/volume-14\/issue-3-14\/mathematics\/the-role-of-technology-in-supporting-students-mathematical-thinking-extending-the-metaphors-of-amplifier-and-reorganizer","title":{"rendered":"The Role of Technology in Supporting Students\u2019 Mathematical Thinking: Extending the Metaphors of Amplifier and Reorganizer"},"content":{"rendered":"

Research on the use of instructional technology in secondary mathematics education has proliferated over the last 20 years (e.g., Burrill et al., 2002; Heid & Blume, 2008; Zbiek, Heid, Blume, & Dick, 2007) and has demonstrated that the strategic use of technological tools such as graphing calculators, dynamic geometry software (DGS), and spreadsheets can deepen students\u2019 mathematical content knowledge and support students\u2019 mathematical thinking and discourse.<\/p>\n

At the same time, awareness and interest in students\u2019 mathematical thinking, reasoning, and sense-making has increased (Boaler & Staples, 2008; Cuoco, Goldenberg, & Mark, 1996; Hollebrands, Conner, & Smith, 2010; National Council of Teachers of Mathematics [NCTM], 2000, 2009; Romberg, 1994; Stein, Smith, Henningsen, & Silver, 2009; Suh, 2010).\u00a0 These sorts of behaviors have been articulated and promoted in NCTM\u2019s (2000) Process Standards, but have received greater attention recently due to their inclusion of the Standards for Mathematical Practice in the Common Core State Standards (Common Core State Standards Initiative, 2010), adopted by a majority of states in the U.S.\u00a0 However, little research has focused on how the use of technology can support students\u2019 mathematical thinking and reasoning.<\/p>\n

The purpose of this study was to investigate how middle and secondary mathematics teachers use technology for instruction, especially as it relates to students\u2019 opportunities to engage in higher level mathematical thinking.\u00a0 The Mathematical Tasks Framework (Stein & Smith, 1998) was used to assess the cognitive demand of mathematical tasks implemented in four mathematics classrooms and to investigate the role of technology in both low- and high-level cognitive demand tasks.<\/p>\n

Evidence indicates that, while these teachers used technology in a way that was generally consistent with their practice in terms of the cognitive demand of the tasks, the use of technology as a reorganizer was strongly correlated with these teachers\u2019 attempts to engage their students in high-level mathematical thinking.\u00a0 These general trends are delineated among four teachers, and specific classroom examples are used to describe and develop the role of technology as an amplifier or a reorganizer at the task level.<\/p>\n

Theoretical Background<\/p>\n

This section discusses the theoretical frameworks used to characterize students\u2019 mathematical thinking and their use of technology. The Mathematical Tasks Framework (Stein & Smith, 1998), a taxonomy for evaluating the mathematical thinking requirements of a task during various phases of classroom enactment, was used to characterize students\u2019 mathematical thinking, while the metaphors of amplifier and reorganizer (Pea, 1985, 1987) were used to describe the use of technological tools.<\/p>\n

The Mathematical Tasks Framework<\/p>\n

Whether technology is used or not, teachers shape students\u2019 mathematical learning and view of the discipline of mathematics by the choice of mathematical tasks for instruction (NCTM, 1991).\u00a0 The Mathematical Tasks Framework (Stein & Smith, 1998) describes and differentiates the type of thinking that is called for by a given mathematical task<\/em>, defined as \u201ca classroom activity, the purpose of which is to focus students\u2019 attention on a particular mathematical idea\u201d (Stein, Grover, & Henningsen, 1996, p. 460).<\/p>\n

This framework distinguishes between low-level cognitive demand tasks, including memorization and the use of procedures without connections to meaning or concepts, and high-level cognitive demand tasks, including the use of procedures with connections to meaning or concepts, and doing mathematics, of which nonalgorithmic thinking is characteristic.\u00a0 The Task Analysis Guide (Stein et al., 2009; Stein & Smith, 1998) described these four categories in greater detail.\u00a0 An important characteristic of this framework is that it is not tied to specific mathematical content, but rather characterizes different types of thinking in which students may engage while working on a range of mathematical tasks across a variety of mathematical domains.\u00a0 The aim of this study was to investigate and describe the opportunities for thinking specifically related to the use of technological tools.<\/p>\n

Beyond the distinctions with respect to the types of thinking called for by a mathematical task, the Mathematical Tasks Framework makes an important connection to classroom practice by acknowledging that the thinking requirements of a task may change during its enactment.\u00a0 The task as it appears in curricular materials does not directly influence students\u2019 learning by the type of thinking it requires. Those demands may be altered by the teacher when introducing the task to students during instruction, known as the set-up phase, and again while students are working on the task, referred to as the implementation phase.\u00a0 This element of the Mathematical Tasks Framework makes it especially suitable for describing students\u2019 thinking in a classroom context.<\/p>\n

Research has shown that the type of tasks that students engage with and the type of thinking that students do while engaging with those tasks have important implications for students\u2019 learning (Boaler & Staples, 2008; Huntley, Rasmussen, Villarubi, Sangtong, & Fey, 2000; Stein et al., 1996; Stein & Lane, 1996).\u00a0 In general, students who have engaged with higher level mathematical tasks have demonstrated a greater ability to employ multiple solutions strategies, utilize multiple and connected representations, use graphing calculators to solve problems, and explain their reasoning than do those who have not.<\/p>\n

The greatest gains have been associated with students who engaged with tasks at a high level during the implementation phase.\u00a0 However, there is evidence that students benefit from being exposed to high-level tasks during the set-up phase, even if the thinking requirements decline during implementation, over those students who consistently work on low-level tasks (Stein & Lane, 1996).<\/p>\n

In sum, the choice of mathematical tasks has important implications for students\u2019 understanding of the discipline of mathematics and for the quality of their mathematical thinking and learning.\u00a0 Thus, it is important to understand the role that technology might play in relation to the tasks that teachers choose to enact with their students.<\/p>\n

Digital Cognitive Technologies<\/p>\n

Digital technologies have become ubiquitous in secondary school settings and can serve a variety of purposes within mathematics classrooms.\u00a0 Peressini and Knuth (2005) identified five ways that digital technologies can serve as a tool for teachers in the mathematics classroom: as a tool for management, communication, evaluation, and motivation and as a cognitive tool (see Figure 1). The interest in this study is with digital technologies used specifically as cognitive tools, or \u201ccognitive technologies\u201d (Pea, 1985, 1987).<\/p>\n

\"Figure Figure 1.\u00a0 <\/strong>Amplifier and reorganizer as digital cognitive technologies.<\/em><\/p>\n


Pea (1987) defined cognitive technologies as those that \u201chelp transcend the limitations of the mind (e.g., attention to goals, short-term memory span) in thinking, learning, and problem-solving activities\u201d (p. 91). By mediating human thought, cognitive technologies both assist and influence thought and learning.\u00a0 Although cognitive technologies are not limited to digital technologies (e.g., written language, abstract mathematical notation, chalkboards), the discussion in this article is limited to digital<\/em> cognitive technologies that may serve as a medium for mathematical activity.\u00a0 Combining the use of presentation software and a computer projector for displaying geometric figures would be an example of a digital cognitive technology, while the use of a blackboard for the same purpose would be an example of a cognitive technology that is not digital. Only digital cognitive technologies were under consideration in this study.<\/p>\n

Amplifier and Reorganizer Metaphors<\/p>\n

A further distinction within cognitive technologies is between their use as an amplifier<\/em> or a reorganizer<\/em> of mental activity (Pea, 1985, 1987).\u00a0 When technology is used as an amplifier, it performs more efficiently tedious processes that might be done by hand, such as computations or the generation of standard mathematical representations.\u00a0 In this use of technology, what students do or think about is not changed but can be accomplished with significantly less time and effort and more accuracy.\u00a0The use of a scientific calculator for computations while students set up and solve proportions can make their work more efficient and help to avoid basic arithmetic errors in their solutions.\u00a0 However, students\u2019 activity and thinking is generally unchanged by this use of the calculator, as their cognitive focus is still on setting up and solving proportions whether the calculator is used or not.<\/p>\n

As a reorganizer, technology has the power to affect or shift the focus of students\u2019 mathematical thinking or activity.\u00a0 Some examples include producing novel representations, which make salient some aspect of a concept that is difficult to make explicit without it, or by providing feedback to students to which they would otherwise not have access.\u00a0 Students might use DGS to construct a triangle and its medians in order to look for patterns and make and test conjectures about the relationships between the medians of a triangle (i.e., they intersect at a single point called the centroid or the centroid divides each median into two segments whose lengths have a constant ratio of 2).<\/p>\n

By using technological tools to generate and measure dynamic and interactive representations, students are able to focus on looking for patterns and making and testing conjectures rather than on drawing and measuring triangles.\u00a0 This use of technology supports a shift in the focus of students\u2019 mathematical activity and thinking from drawing and measuring to looking for patterns and making and testing conjectures.<\/p>\n

Pea\u2019s original distinction was made around the advent of personal computers in educational contexts and was not specifically mathematical.\u00a0 However, the question he raised with this distinction was a fundamental one that persists in education today: Will technology be used to support a fundamental shift in how students think and interact with the curriculum, or will it simply add bells and whistles to the status quo?<\/p>\n

This question is one that has been taken up in mathemathics education in a number of contexts, and the idea of using cognitive technologies as amplifier or reorganizer has been developed and applied in number of ways.\u00a0 It has been used to describe and organize the literature on the use of technology in mathematics education (Heid, 1997; Zbiek et al., 2007) and has been used by researchers in describing uses of technology in mathematical instruction and learning (Ben-Zvi, 2000; Goos, Galbraith, Renshaw, & Geiger, 2003; Lee & Hollebrands, 2008; Zbiek et al., 2007).\u00a0 The purpose of this paper is to develop this distinction further at the level of a mathematical task and connect it to students\u2019 mathematical thinking, so that it might guide instruction and teacher education.<\/p>\n

This distinction applies to two contexts that are not intended by this study: that of reorganizing the curricular sequence of a course and that of reorganizing the structure of the learning environment. In the former case, the use of technology as a reorganizer has been used to describe how the structure of the content of a course or curricular unit was changed to emphasize concepts or ideas different from the status quo.<\/p>\n

The use of technology allows for the K-12 curriculum to be reorganized, giving priority to a different set of skills and abilities than what has traditionally been the goal of mathematics education. There are numerous cases in the literature of using technology as a reorganizer to restructure the curricular content of mathematics courses (e.g., Chazan, 1999, 2000; Heid, 1988; Judson, 1990; O\u2019Callaghan, 1998; Palmiter, 1991; Schwarz & Hershkowitz, 1999).<\/p>\n

Another way in which technology can be a reorganizer is in terms of the structure of the learning environment.\u00a0 The flipped model of instruction is becoming increasingly popular in a number of disciplines at the secondary and post-secondary level, including mathematics (Boutell & Clifton, 2011; Deslauriers, Schelew, & Wieman, 2011; Foertsch, Moses, Strikwerda, & Litzkow, 2002; Gannod, Burge, & Helmick, 2008; Lage, Platt, & Treglia, 2000; Moore, Gillett, & Steele, 2014; Novak, Patterson, Gavrin, Christian, & Forinash, 1999; Prober & Heath, 2012; Strayer, 2012; Winterbottom, 2007).<\/p>\n

In general, the flipped model of instruction utilizes technology by having students view video lectures outside of class in order to spend class time engaging students in working on problems or projects or discussing problems or issues in small or large groups.\u00a0 In this way, the use of technology has allowed the structure of instruction to be reorganized so that the mode of instruction traditionally used in class (such as lecture) can now be conducted outside of class, while activities traditionally taking place outside of class (such as completing problems or projects) can take place during class.<\/p>\n

Although technology can play a role in reorganizing the curriculum or the structure of the learning environment, the current use of the amplifier and reorganizer metaphor is at the mathematical task level, describing how the use of technology can influence what students do and how they think mathematically.\u00a0 For example, Doerr and Zangor\u2019s (2000) description of the use of the graphing calculator as a transformational tool seems to align with the idea of a reorganizer at the task level.\u00a0 Specifically, they cite the use of the graphing calculator \u201cwhereby tedious computational tasks were transformed into interpretive tasks\u201d (p. 152-3).\u00a0 The teacher in their study required students to interpret the results of data analysis and modeling in terms of the context of the problem by offloading computations such as the calculation of regression equations from numerical data.<\/p>\n

Goos et al. (2003) discussed four roles that technology can play for students in the mathematics classroom: master, servant, partner, and extension of self.\u00a0 They aligned the servant role with the use of technology as amplifier, performing tedious or menial tasks of computation or representation, while as a partner or extension of self technology acts as a reorganizer of students\u2019 mathematical thinking and activity.<\/p>\n

In his discussion of using technological tools in the learning of data analysis, Ben-Zvi (2000) used the amplifier-reorganizer distinction to discuss the ways in which students\u2019 activity and thinking may be reorganized by the use of these tools. In particular, he claimed that the use of technological tools can reorganize students\u2019 work by shifting their activity to a higher cognitive level, changing the objects of the activity, and focusing the activity on transforming and analyzing representations.\u00a0\u00a0 These sorts of behaviors are examples of how the purpose or focus of a mathematical task can be reorganized by the inclusion of technology.<\/p>\n

An important aspect of the type of thinking afforded by the use of technology is the kind of task that calls for its use.\u00a0\u00a0 The inclusion of technology requires an understanding of the kinds of tasks that may utilize the resources provided by the technology to support students\u2019 high-level thinking.\u00a0 \u201cSome researchers also suggest that the choice of the task in relation to the affordances of the dynamical geometry environment may be critical for the development of the understandings of the students\u201d (Hollebrands, Laborde, & StraBer, 2008, p. 174).\u00a0 Thus, an aim of this study was to explicate better the role of technology within the tasks in which it was used.\u00a0 The amplifier and reorganizer metaphors for technology use provide a way to describe how students\u2019 thinking might be influenced by the inclusion of technology.<\/p>\n

In this study, the amplifier-reorganizer distinction is used to describe the role of technology in relation to the cognitive demand of mathematical tasks with which students engage.\u00a0 One adaptation that was made to the amplifier and reorganizer metaphors during a pilot study was the inclusion of the possibilities of technology being used as both an amplifier and a reorganizer.\u00a0 When technology is used as both an amplifier and a reorganizer, the purpose of making tedious computations or generation of standard mathematical representations more efficient and accurate by automating them is to support a shift in students\u2019 focus to some other aspect of the task.<\/p>\n

For example, using DGS to construct a triangle and measure the interior angles and side lengths is considered an amplifier use of technology.\u00a0 This procedure can be done using paper, pencil, a ruler, and a protractor.\u00a0 Even dragging the vertices of the triangle to reshape it is a more efficient way of creating numerous triangles.\u00a0 However, when students are asked to construct and measure triangles using a DGS to investigate the sum of the interior angles of a triangle, then DGS is intended to be used as a reorganizer as well, since the purpose of creating and measuring triangles is to observe relationships and to make and test conjectures about the properties of triangles.<\/p>\n

The use of technology as an amplifier in this case has the potential to support a shift in students\u2019 focus and behavior and the purpose of the task by offloading the construction and measurement of mathematically precise triangles to the technological tools.\u00a0 In this way, the reorganizer use of technology depends upon its use as an amplifier as a sort of necessary condition.<\/p>\n

Thus, the research questions that this study sought to answer are the following:<\/p>\n