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Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education
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Information Technology and Teacher Education

The Introductory Technology Course at Adelphi University and the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Leah Holland Fiorentino and Darla M. Castelli

This course is intended to introduce physical education majors to the common computer applications necessary for effective teaching in the physical education discipline. Students develop basic competencies, but are also provided with opportunities to experiment with advanced skills. All students develop projects that will be implemented in the actual teaching environment. This 3 credit course is required for all preservice teachers.


Fit in Teacher Education Program The course is a required experience in the freshman or sophomore year. The skills and applications are necessary for successful performance in the upper level teaching classes.
Technology Tools Learned Students work with web authoring tools, Microsoft Word Templates, Power Point, Excel, Polar Heart Rate Monitors, Fitnessgram Software, IMovie and Mac applications, PDAs, Interactive Websites, WebQuests
  • Communicating/delivering information
  • Developing curriculum/creating teaching materials
  • Engaging students in learning and problem solving in ways that could not be done without the technology
Relevant Subject-Specific Technology Uses Each specific application has an assignment (modules) that is focused on the student’s specific teaching focus (elementary or secondary physical education). The students are encouraged to develop their final projects based on their background expertise areas.
Student Examples



Can access several student artifacts from this web site.

http://streams.adelphi.edu/ramgen/cm/leah/qb8.rm (Quarterback throwing to receiver)

http://streams.adelphi.edu/ramgen/cm/leah/softball.rm (Softball batter)

http://streams.adelphi.edu/ramgen/cm/leah/womenlax.rm (Lacrosse defense)

Connections to the Methods Courses The projects/assignments in the technology course were designed by the method course professors. The professors were part of the planning process when the courses were initially planned. This way the assignments have direct connections to the upper level courses that the students take in their junior and senior years.
Connections to Student Teaching The most interesting project that the students develop is called the Virtual Gym (VG). The students create an interactive Digital Video that is intended to provide perfect practice in game-like situations for upper elementary and middle school students. Specifically this technology is used to demonstrate university teacher candidates’ knowledge of motor skill performance (in the construction phase) and then used to improve school student learning of motor skills (in the implementation phase). The projects that students create in the introductory technology course are then used during practicum placements (junior year) and student teaching (senior year) situations. Several graduates from each university are currently using VGs in their first year of full-time teaching (Fall, 2004).
Course Syllabus

