Contemporary Issues in Technology & Teacher Education has a whole new look, and article URLs have changed. We have found 2 articles that may match the URL you entered or followed:

Uses of Technology by Science Education Professors: Comparisons With Teachers’ Uses and the Current Versus Desired Technology Knowledge Gap

by John Settlage, University of Connecticut; A. Louis Odom, University of Missouri-Kansas City; & Jon E. Pedersen, The University of Oklahoma

A survey of the AETS membership was conducted to examine potential gaps in their current versus desired knowledge about technology uses relative to science teacher education.

Video Analysis Software and the Investigation of the Conservation of Mechanical Energy

by Joel Bryan, Texas A&M University

National science and mathematics standards stress the importance of integrating technology use into those fields of study at all levels of education. In order to fulfill these directives, it is necessary to introduce both in-service and preservice teachers to various forms of technology while modeling its appropriate use in investigating “real world” problems and situations. Using the conservation of mechanical energy of a falling and bouncing ball as its context, this paper describes how inexpensive video analysis technology makes possible the investigation of numerous types of motion with detail and precision that would be incredibly difficult, if not impossible, without the use of this technology.